$ 20.000
Frequent questions
How can I redeem the Virtual Gift Card?
Redeeming the Paloma Virtual Gift Card is very easy, all you have to do is send it to the recipient by email so they can redeem it online by entering the code received for the service they want.
If the amount of the Virtual Gift Card is less than the price of the service I want to perform, can I pay the difference?
Of course! Our receptionists will be in charge of informing you of the prices of the services you want to perform and if any exceed the total amount of the Gift Card, you can pay the difference with any means of payment.
Does it have an expiration date?
Yes, you have time to use your Virtual Gift Card up to 60 days after the purchase.
What services can I perform with the Virtual Gift Card?
With your Virtual Gift Card you can choose between all the services we provide in our franchises. It's your time to enjoy!